Monday, August 20, 2018

GTA V - Slow Loading Texture when driving fast حل مشكلة عدم ظهور الشوارع أثناء القيادة السريعة في GTA V 2018

GTA V - Slow Loading Texture when driving fast 
حل مشكلة عدم ظهور الشوارع أثناء القيادة السريعة في GTA V

يسبب هذه المشكلة High Textures (Extreme Textures) أو تراكيب الرسومات العالية أو الزائدة للعبة ذات الجرافيك العالي..
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الفيديو الأول                                                            الفيديو الثاني

I've Copied this post from an original source just to help....

here is example of extreme textures/objects pop-in at launch day in GTA V on PC. FPS is fine but driving cars is very hard because of invisible roads and objects.
I saw some similar videos on you-tube but none that extreme.

Lowering graphics settings in GTA V reduces a problem a little only.

Mine specification:
CPU: Intel Core Quad @ 3 GHz (25% above minimal requirements)
GPU: Nvidia Geforce 760 2GB RAM, latest GTA driver 350.12
GTA is installed on Corsair GT SSD

GPU usage is about 50-60%, GPU RAM usage is 1600 -1800 MB (so there is still some space for textures).
RAM usage is fine too - Game with Windows and applications using about 5.2 GB RAM. GTA itself about 2.4 GB.

I suppose that problem is in mine old CPU - all 4 cores are running constantly on 100%. But still GTA should runs better - for example I played Watch Dogs without troubles.

I hope some patch will at least reduce it - or some launcher/ini tweaks can helps too
For partial solution: Run GTA, open Task manager, locate process GTAV.exe and set priority Above Normal.
That will helps a lot in my case - problem is not gone, but textures and objects pop-in much quicker then in video.
I tried some other different methods but only this one helps.

If you do not know how to set process priority, then there are exists little programs that will increase priority automatically after game will be started - google for them.

UPDATE2: I found three another things that reduced "missing textures" problem even more:
1. Make sure that in NVidia driver settings item "Power management mode" is set to value "Maximum Performance". I set that long time ago but new NVidia drivers 350.12 optimized for GTA set that to Adaptive mode - that is very bad in many games - it reduces performance a lot.
2. In GTA 5 Settings change DirectX version from 11 to 10.1 - that settings speed up texture pop-in very much so I can drive now and see road.
3. If you have modern CPU that can adjust frequency depending on load then try to disable that feature (and have you CPU running on full frequency everytime). You can found that configuration in BIOS - but please be VERY careful when you do changes in BIOS.

Problem is reduced now but still there.

UPDATE 3: FINAL Solution
For all peoples with weak CPU and those pop-in problem I can present solution that actually works thanks to Utku Durukan Kinyas:
1. Do not try to reach 40+FPS - your CPU will not handle it even if you reduce graphics settings Instead limit FPS in the game to 30 FPS: a) In the game in Graphics settings set VSync to Half b) In nvidia settings - manage 3d settings - program settings/global settings - vertical sync: Adaptive (half refresh rate)

2. Make sure that in NVidia driver settings item "Power management mode" is set to value "Maximum Performance".

3. Run GTA and set game process to higher priority:
a) open Task manager, locate process GTAV.exe and set priority Above Normal.
b) Or you can do it by execute simple batch program with one command: wmic process where name="GTA5.exe" CALL setpriority "above normal" ( create text file on your desktop with name "GTA 5.bat" and put line above into it and save)

4. Of course do all common thing to reduce CPU load - close your browser, itunes, mp3 player etc.

With that setting everything is fine now - I can even increase some graphics settings (like long shadows, set antialiasing to MSAA 4x and more) and game is still very fluid and without problems -- of course FPS is stable and limited to 30 FPS. And GPU is still not fully loaded, CPU is on 99% load.

Videos of problem (before, After) in the links below...

Video 1                                        Video 2

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